Greta Dolcetti, Agostino Cortesi, Caterina Urban, Enea Zaffanella: “Towards a High Level Linter for Data Science”, [DOI] [LINK]

Luca Negrini, Sofia Presotto, Pietro Ferrara, Enea Zaffanella, Agostino Cortesi: “Stability: An Abstract Domain for the Trend of Variation of Numerical Variables”, [DOI] [LINK]

Alvise Spanò: “Flexible and reversible conversion between extensible records and overloading constraints for ML”, in Journal of Systems and Software [DOI] [LINK]

Vincenzo Arceri, Saverio Mattia Merenda, Greta Dolcetti, Luca Negrini, Luca Olivieri, Enea Zaffanella: “Towards a Sound Construction of EVM Bytecode Control-Flow Graphs”, [DOI] [LINK]

Giacomo Zanatta, Pietro Ferrara, Teodors Lisovenko, Luca Negrini, Gianluca Caiazza, Ruffin White: “Sound Static Analysis for Microservices: Utopia? A Preliminary Experience with LiSA”, [DOI] [LINK]

Luca Olivieri, Fausto Spoto: “Software verification challenges in the blockchain ecosystem”, in International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer [DOI] [LINK]

Teresa Scantamburlo, Paolo Falcarin, Alberto Veneri, Alessandro Fabris, Chiara Gallese, Valentina Billa, Francesca Rotolo, Federico Marcuzzi: “Software Systems Compliance with the AI Act”, [DOI] [LINK]

Paolo Falcarin, Fabio Dainese: “Building a Cybersecurity Knowledge Graph with CyberGraph”, [DOI] [LINK]

Luca Olivieri, Luca Negrini, Vincenzo Arceri, Thomas Jensen, Fausto Spoto: “Design and Implementation of Static Analyses for Tezos Smart Contracts”, in Distributed Ledger Technologies: Research and Practice [DOI] [LINK]

Giacomo Boldini, Alessio Diana, Vincenzo Arceri, Vincenzo Bonnici, Roberto Bagnara: “A Machine Learning Approach for Source Code Similarity via Graph-Focused Features”, [DOI] [LINK]

Luca Olivieri, Luca Negrini, Vincenzo Arceri, Badaruddin Chachar, Pietro Ferrara, Agostino Cortesi: “Detection of Phantom Reads in Hyperledger Fabric”, in IEEE Access [DOI] [LINK]

Negrini, L., Arceri, V., Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P.: “Tarsis: An effective automata-based abstract domain for string analysis”, in Journal of Software: Evolution and Process [DOI] [LINK]

Gort, M.L.P., Olliaro, M., Cortesi, A.: “Study of the Watermark Source’s Topology Role on Relational Data Watermarking Robustness”, in IEEE Access [DOI] [LINK]

Roy, M., Bag, R., Deb, N., Cortesi, A., Chaki, R., Chaki, N.: “SCARS: Suturing wounds due to conflicts between non-functional requirements in autonomous and robotic systems”, in Software - Practice and Experience [DOI] [LINK]

Das, S., Deb, N., Chaki, N., Cortesi, A.: “Minimising conflicts among run-time non-functional requirements within DevOps”, in Systems Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Das, S., Deb, N., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Extracting goal models from natural language requirement specifications”, in Journal of Systems and Software [DOI] [LINK]

Roy, S., Raj, S., Chakraborty, T., Chakrabarty, A., Cortesi, A., Sen, S.: “Efficient OLAP query processing across cuboids in distributed data warehousing environment”, in Expert Systems with Applications [DOI] [LINK]

Olivieri, L., Negrini, L., Arceri, V., Chachar, B., Ferrara, P., Cortesi, A.: “Detection of Phantom Reads in Hyperledger Fabric”, in IEEE Access [DOI] [LINK]

Pérez Gort, M., Cortesi, A.: “A Fragile Watermarking Approach for Earth Observation Data Integrity Protection”, in Studies in Big Data [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Teaching Through Practice: Advanced Static Analysis with LiSA”, [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Challenges of software verification: the past, the present, the future”, [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Challenges in Health Information Systems: Health Data Management and Access for Life Sciences Research”, [DOI] [LINK]


Marco Crosara, Luca Olivieri, Fausto Spoto, Fabio Tagliaferro: “Fungible and non-fungible tokens with snapshots in Java”, in Cluster Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Alvise Spanò, Lorenzo Fanton, Davide Pizzolato, Jacopo Moi, Francesco Vinci, Alberto Pesce, Cedrix J. Dongmo Foumthuim, Achille Giacometti, Marta Simeoni: “Rinmaker: a fast, versatile and reliable tool to determine residue interaction networks in proteins”, in BMC Bioinformatics [DOI] [LINK]

Souvick Das, Novarun Deb, Agostino Cortesi, Nabendu Chaki: “Zero-shot Learning for Named Entity Recognition in Software Specification Documents”, in 2023 IEEE 31st International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE) [DOI] [LINK]

Luca Olivieri, Luca Negrini, Vincenzo Arceri, Fabio Tagliaferro, Pietro Ferrara, Agostino Cortesi, Fausto Spoto: “Information Flow Analysis for Detecting Non-Determinism in Blockchain”, in Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik [DOI] [LINK]

SOUVICK DAS, Novarun Deb, Nabendu Chaki, Agostino Cortesi: “Driving the Technology Value Stream by Analyzing App Reviews”, in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Luca Negrini, Guruprerana Shabadi, Caterina Urban: “Static Analysis of Data Transformations in Jupyter Notebooks”, in Proceedings of the 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis [DOI] [LINK]

Mandira Roy, Raunak Bag, Novarun Deb, Agostino Cortesi, Rituparna Chaki, Nabendu Chaki: “SCARS: Suturing Wounds due to Conflicts between Non-Functional Requirements in Robotic Systems”, [DOI] [LINK]

Luca Olivieri, Thomas Jensen, Luca Negrini, Fausto Spoto: “MichelsonLiSA: A Static Analyzer for Tezos”, in 2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops) [DOI] [LINK]

Calzavara, S., Ferrara, P., Lucchese, C.: “Certifying machine learning models against evasion attacks by program analysis”, in Journal of Computer Security [DOI] [LINK]

Das, S., Deb, N., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Zero-shot Learning for Named Entity Recognition in Software Specification Documents”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Pérez Gort, M.L., Olliaro, M., Cortesi, A.: “Relational data watermarking resilience to brute force attacks in untrusted environments”, in Expert Systems with Applications [DOI] [LINK]

Olliaro, M., Arceri, V., Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P.: “Lifting String Analysis Domains”, in Intelligent Systems Reference Library [DOI] [LINK]

Negrini, L., Ferrara, P., Arceri, V., Cortesi, A.: “LiSA: A Generic Framework for Multilanguage Static Analysis”, in Intelligent Systems Reference Library [DOI] [LINK]

Olivieri, L., Arceri, V., Ferrara, P., Spoto, F., Negrini, L., Tagliaferro, F., Cortesi, A.: “Information Flow Analysis for Detecting Non-Determinism in Blockchain”, in Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs [DOI] [LINK]

Pérez Gort, M.L., Olliaro, M., Cortesi, A.: “Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Queries on Watermarked Textual Relational Databases”, in SSRN [DOI] [LINK]

Bag, R., Roy, M., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Eliciting context-oriented NFR constraints and conflicts in robotic systems”, in Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Das, S., Deb, N., Chaki, N., Cortesi, A.: “Driving the Technology Value Stream by Analyzing App Reviews”, in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Roy, M., Das, S., Deb, N., Cortesi, A., Chaki, R., Chaki, N.: “Correlating contexts and NFR conflicts from event logs”, in Software and Systems Modeling [DOI] [LINK]

Das, S., Deb, N., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “CoDescribe: An Intelligent Code Analyst for Enhancing Productivity and Software Quality”, in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems [DOI] [LINK]

Halder, R., Alam, M.I., Fajge, A.M., Singh, N.K., Cortesi, A.: “Analyzing information flow in solidity smart contracts”, in Distributed Computing to Blockchain: Architecture, Technology, and Applications [DOI] [LINK]

Das, S., Deb, N., Chaki, N., Cortesi, A.: “An Annexure to the Paper “Driving the Technology Value Stream by Analyzing App Reviews””, in arXiv [DOI] [LINK]

Krishnasrija, R., Mandal, A.K., Cortesi, A.: “A lightweight mutual and transitive authentication mechanism for IoT network”, in Ad Hoc Networks [DOI] [LINK]

Mitra, D., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “A Two-Hop Neighborhood Based Berserk Detection Algorithm for Probabilistic Model of Consensus in Distributed Ledger Systems”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]


Ahmed A. Alwan, Allan J. Brimicombe, Mihaela Anca Ciupala, Seyed Ali Ghorashi, Andres Baravalle, Paolo Falcarin: “Time-series clustering for sensor fault detection in large-scale Cyber–Physical Systems”, in Computer Networks [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Reducing multiple occurrences of meta-mark selection in relational data watermarking”, in IEEE Access [DOI] [LINK]

Ahmed Abdulhasan Alwan, Mihaela Anca Ciupala, Allan J. Brimicombe, Seyed Ali Ghorashi, Andres Baravalle, Paolo Falcarin: “Data quality challenges in large-scale cyber-physical systems: A systematic review”, in Information Systems [DOI] [LINK]

Antonio Panfili, Alvise Spanò, Agostino Cortesi: “A Wearable System for Jump Detection in Inline Figure Skating”, in Sensors [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “SROS2: Usable Cyber Security Tools for ROS 2”, [DOI] [LINK]

Adil Yousef Hussein, Paolo Falcarin, Ahmed T. Sadiq: “IoT Intrusion Detection Using Modified Random Forest Based on Double Feature Selection Methods”, [DOI] [LINK]

Arceri, V., Olliaro, M., Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P.: “Relational String Abstract Domains”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Maikel Lazaro Perez Gort, Martina Olliaro, Agostino Cortesi: “Reducing Multiple Occurrences of Meta-Mark Selection in Relational Data Watermarking”, in IEEE Access [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Berionni, C., Veeckman, C., Leonardi, C., Schiavo, G., Zancanaro, M., Cescon, M., Sangiuliano, M., Tampakis, D., Falelakis, M.: “Families_Share: digital and social innovation for work–life balance”, in Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance [DOI] [LINK]

Olivieri, L., Tagliaferro, F., Arceri, V., Ruaro, M., Negrini, L., Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P., Spoto, F., Talin, E.: “Ensuring determinism in blockchain software with GoLiSA: an industrial experience report”, in SOAP 2022 - Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis, co-located with PLDI 2022 [DOI] [LINK]

Olliaro, M., Pérez Gort, M.L., Cortesi, A.: “Empirical analysis of the impact of queries on watermarked relational databases”, in Expert Systems with Applications [DOI] [LINK]

Roy, S., Cortesi, A., Sen, S.: “Context-aware OLAP for textual data warehouses”, in International Journal of Information Management Data Insights [DOI] [LINK]

Pérez Gort, M.L., Olliaro, M., Cortesi, A.: “A Quantile-Based Watermarking Approach for Distortion Minimization”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Krishnasrija, R., Mandal, A.Kr., Cortesi, A.: “A Lightweight Mutual and Transitive Authentication Mechanism for Iot Network”, in SSRN [DOI] [LINK]


Vincenzo Arceri, Isabella Mastroeni: “Improving Dynamic Code Analysis by Code Abstraction”, in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]

Vincenzo Arceri, Isabella Mastroeni: “Analyzing Dynamic Code”, in ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security [DOI] [LINK]

Mastroeni, I., Arceri, V.: “Improving dynamic code analysis by code abstraction”, in arXiv [DOI] [LINK]

Mastroeni, I., Arceri, V.: “Improving dynamic code analysis by code abstraction”, in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Enhancement performance of random forest algorithm via one hot encoding for IoT IDS”, [DOI] [LINK]

Ferrara, P., Olivieri, L., Spoto, F.: “Static Privacy Analysis by Flow Reconstruction of Tainted Data”, in International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Chaki, N., Chaki, R.: “Verifiability in Systems and Data Engineering: Preface by the Special Issue Editors”, in Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Negrini, L., Arceri, V., Ferrara, P., Cortesi, A.: “Twinning Automata and Regular Expressions for String Static Analysis”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Ferrara, P., Negrini, L., Arceri, V., Cortesi, A.: “Static analysis for dummies: Experiencing LiSA”, in SOAP 2021 - Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on the State Of the Art in Program Analysis, co-located with PLDI 2021 [DOI] [LINK]

Ferrara, P., Mandal, A.K., Cortesi, A., Spoto, F.: “Static analysis for discovering IoT vulnerabilities”, in International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer [DOI] [LINK]

Ghosh, P., Sen, S., Cortesi, A.: “Skyline computation over multiple points and dimensions”, in Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Das, S., Deb, N., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Sentence Embedding Models for Similarity Detection of Software Requirements”, in SN Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]

Pérez Gort, M.L., Olliaro, M., Cortesi, A., Feregrino Uribe, C.: “Semantic-driven watermarking of relational textual databases”, in Expert Systems with Applications [DOI] [LINK]

Roy, M., Deb, N., Cortesi, A., Chaki, R., Chaki, N.: “Requirement-oriented risk management for incremental software development”, in Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Roy, M., Deb, N., Cortesi, A., Chaki, R., Chaki, N.: “NFR-aware prioritization of software requirements”, in Systems Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Salvia, R., Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P., Spoto, F.: “Intents Analysis of Android Apps for Confidentiality Leakage Detection”, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Chakraborty, M., Spanò, A., Cortesi, A.: “Geographic location based secure, dynamic and opportunistic RPL for distributed networks”, in Ad Hoc Networks [DOI] [LINK]

Roy, M., Deb, N., Cortesi, A., Chaki, R., Chaki, N.: “Dynamic Prioritization of Software Requirements for Incremental Software Development”, in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems [DOI] [LINK]

Roy, S., Shit, B., Sen, S., Cortesi, A.: “Construction of Materialized Views in Non-Binary Data Space”, in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems [DOI] [LINK]

Roy, S., Shit, B., Sen, S., Cortesi, A.: “Construction and distribution of materialized views in Non-binary data space”, in Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Arceri, V., Olliaro, M., Cortesi, A., Mastroeni, I.: “Completeness of string analysis for dynamic languages”, in Information and Computation [DOI] [LINK]

Roy, M., Deb, N., Cortesi, A., Chaki, R., Chaki, N.: “CARO: A Conflict-Aware Requirement Ordering Tool for DevOps”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Mitra, D., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “ALEA: An Anonymous Leader Election Algorithm for Synchronous Distributed Systems”, in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems [DOI] [LINK]


Vincenzo Arceri, Isabella Mastroeni, Sunyi Xu: “Static Analysis for ECMAScript String Manipulation Programs”, in Applied Sciences [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “An Abstract Domain for Objects in Dynamic Programming Languages”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]

Arceri, V., Mastroeni, I.: “A sound abstract interpreter for dynamic code”, in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “HADES: a Hybrid Anomaly Detection System for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems”, [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Code renewability for native software protection”, [DOI] [LINK]

Negrini, L., Arceri, V., Ferrara, P., Cortesi, A.: “Twinning automata and regular expressions for string static analysis”, in arXiv [DOI] [LINK]

Ferrara, P., Negrini, L.: “SARL: OO Framework Specification for Static Analysis”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Calzavara, S., Ferrara, P., Lucchese, C.: “Certifying decision trees against evasion attacks by program analysis”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Calzavara, S., Ferrara, P., Lucchese, C.: “Certifying Decision Trees Against Evasion Attacks by Program Analysis”, in arXiv [DOI] [LINK]

Ferrara, P., Olivieri, L., Spoto, F.: “BackFlow: Backward Context-Sensitive Flow Reconstruction of Taint Analysis Results”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Dieber, B., White, R., Taurer, S., Breiling, B., Caiazza, G., Christensen, H., Cortesi, A.: “Penetration Testing ROS”, in Studies in Computational Intelligence [DOI] [LINK]

Spanò, A., Cortesi, A.: “Legodroid: A type-driven library for android and lego mindstorms interoperability”, in Sensors (Switzerland) [DOI] [LINK]

Deb, N., Roy, M., Chaki, N., Cortesi, A.: “Generation of Safety and Liveness Complaint Automata from Goal Model Specifications”, in Proceedings - 16th European Dependable Computing Conference, EDCC 2020 [DOI] [LINK]

Ferrara, P., Cortesi, A., Spoto, F.: “From CIL to Java bytecode: Semantics-based translation for static analysis leveraging”, in Science of Computer Programming [DOI] [LINK]

Jana, A., Halder, R., Abhishekh, K.V., Ganni, S.D., Cortesi, A.: “Extending Abstract Interpretation to Dependency Analysis of Database Applications”, in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Mandal, A., Ferrara, P., Khlyebnikov, Y., Cortesi, A., Spoto, F.: “Cross-program taint analysis for IoT systems”, in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Lauko, H., Olliaro, M., Cortesi, A., Ročckai, P.: “Abstracting strings for model checking of C programs”, in Applied Sciences (Switzerland) [DOI] [LINK]

Pérez Gort, M.L., Feregrino-Uribe, C., Cortesi, A., Fernández-Peña, F.: “A Double Fragmentation Approach for Improving Virtual Primary Key-Based Watermark Synchronization”, in IEEE Access [DOI] [LINK]


Maria Sangiuliano, Agostino Cortesi: “Institutional Change for Gender Equality in Research Lesson Learned from the Field”, [DOI] [LINK]

Cataldo Basile, Daniele Canavese, Leonardo Regano, Paolo Falcarin, Bjorn De Sutter: “A meta-model for software protections and reverse engineering attacks”, in Journal of Systems and Software [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Understanding the behaviour of hackers while performing attack tasks in a professional setting and in a public challenge”, [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Analysis of Obfuscated Code with Program Slicing”, [DOI] [LINK]

Spoto, F., Burato, E., Ernst, M.D., Ferrara, P., Lovato, A., Macedonio, D., Spiridon, C.: “Static identification of injection attacks in Java”, in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems [DOI] [LINK]

Spanò, A., Cortesi, A., Zausa, G.: “Type-driven cross-programming for android and LEGO Mindstorms interoperability”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Mandal, A.K., Cortesi, A., Sarkar, A., Chaki, N.: “Things as a service: Service model for IoT”, in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN) [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Lauko, H., Olliaro, M., Ročkai, P.: “String Abstraction for Model Checking of C Programs”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Mandal, A.K., Panarotto, F., Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P., Spoto, F.: “Static analysis of Android Auto infotainment and on-board diagnostics II apps”, in Software - Practice and Experience [DOI] [LINK]

White, R., Caiazza, G., Christensen, H., Cortesi, A.: “SROS1: Using and Developing Secure ROS1 Systems”, in Studies in Computational Intelligence [DOI] [LINK]

Bhattacharya, A., Choudhury, S., Cortesi, A.: “Replaceability and negotiation in a cloud service ecosystem”, in Journal of Cloud Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Gort, M.L.P., Olliaro, M., Feregrino-Uribe, C., Cortesi, A.: “Preventing Additive Attacks to Relational Database Watermarking”, in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing [DOI] [LINK]

White, R., Caiazza, G., Jiang, C., Ou, X., Yang, Z., Cortesi, A., Christensen, H.: “Network Reconnaissance and Vulnerability Excavation of Secure DDS Systems”, in Proceedings - 4th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, EUROS and PW 2019 [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Tripp, O.: “Introduction to the special issue:SAAP-2017 (Static Analysis of Android Apps: Security and Privacy)”, in Journal of Computer Languages [DOI] [LINK]

Pérez Gort, M.L., Feregrino-Uribe, C., Cortesi, A., Fernández-Peña, F.: “HQR-Scheme: A High Quality and resilient virtual primary key generation approach for watermarking relational data”, in Expert Systems with Applications [DOI] [LINK]

Chakraborty, M., Spano, A., Cortesi, A.: “Geographic location based dynamic and opportunistic RPL for distributed networks”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Caiazza, G., White, R., Cortesi, A.: “Enhancing Security in ROS”, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Arceri, V., Olliaro, M., Cortesi, A., Mastroeni, I.: “Completeness of Abstract Domains for String Analysis of JavaScript Programs”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

White, R., Caiazza, G., Cortesi, A., Cho, Y.I., Christensen, H.I.: “Black block recorder: Immutable black box logging for robots via blockchain”, in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters [DOI] [LINK]

Sahoo, S., Fajge, A.M., Halder, R., Cortesi, A.: “A hierarchical and abstraction-based blockchain model”, in Applied Sciences (Switzerland) [DOI] [LINK]


Mandal, A.K., Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P., Panarotto, F., Spoto, F.: “Vulnerability analysis of android auto infotainment apps”, in 2018 ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, CF 2018 - Proceedings [DOI] [LINK]

Panarotto, F., Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P., Mandal, A.K., Spoto, F.: “Static analysis of android apps interaction with automotive CAN”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Salvia, R., Ferrara, P., Spoto, F., Cortesi, A.: “SDLI: Static Detection of Leaks Across Intents”, in Proceedings - 17th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications and 12th IEEE International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering, Trustcom/BigDataSE 2018 [DOI] [LINK]

White, R., Christensen, H.I., Caiazza, G., Cortesi, A.: “Procedurally Provisioned Access Control for Robotic Systems”, in IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems [DOI] [LINK]

Samanta, R., Kumari, C., Deb, N., Bose, S., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Node localization for indoor tracking using artificial neural network”, in 2018 3rd International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing, FMEC 2018 [DOI] [LINK]

Mondin, F., Cortesi, A.: “MySQL extension automatic porting to PDO for PHP migration and security improvement”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Olliaro, M.: “M-string segmentation: A refined abstract domain for string analysis in C Programs”, in Proceedings - 2018 12th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering, TASE 2018 [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P., Halder, R., Zanioli, M.: “Combining symbolic and numerical domains for information leakage analysis”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Ferrara, P., Cortesi, A., Spoto, F.: “CIL to Java-bytecode Translation for Static Analysis Leveraging”, in Proceedings - 2018 ACM/IEEE Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering, FormaliSE 2018 [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Advanced Computing and Systems for Security - Volume Six”, [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Advanced Computing and Systems for Security - Volume Five”, [DOI] [LINK]


Eugenio, E., Cortesi, A.: “WiFi-related energy consumption analysis of mobile devices in a walkable area by abstract interpretation”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Chaki, R., Saeed, K., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Preface”, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Di Giacomo, F., Abbadi, M., Cortesi, A., Spronck, P., Maggiore, G.: “Metacasanova: An optimized meta-compiler for domain-specific languages”, in SLE 2017 - Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering, co-located with SPLASH 2017 [DOI] [LINK]

Pathan, A.-S.K., Zhang, Y., Bakshi, S., Siarry, P., Sa, P.K., Chaki, N., Cortesi, A.: “Introduction to special issue on ‘intelligent computing and adaptive systems’”, in Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering [DOI] [LINK]

Di Giacomo, F., Abbadi, M., Cortesi, A., Spronck, P., Costantini, G., Maggiore, G.: “High performance encapsulation and networking in Casanova 2”, in Entertainment Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Di Giacomo, F., Abbadi, M., Cortesi, A., Spronck, P., Maggiore, G.: “Building game scripting DSL’s with the Metacasanova metacompiler”, in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST [DOI] [LINK]

Awan, M.K., Cortesi, A.: “Blockchain transaction analysis using dominant sets”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]


Sen, S., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “ROLAP based data warehouse schema to XML schema conversion”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology [DOI] [LINK]

Sen, S., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Preface”, in SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology [DOI] [LINK]

Sen, S., Ghosh, P., Cortesi, A.: “Materialized view construction using linearizable nonlinear regression”, in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Sen, S., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Hyper-lattice”, in SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology [DOI] [LINK]

Sen, S., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Hyper-Lattice Algebraic Model for Data Warehousing”, in Hyper-Lattice Algebraic Model for Data Warehousing [DOI] [LINK]

Sen, S., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Generating Co-operative Queries Over Concept Hierarchies”, in SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology [DOI] [LINK]

Halder, R., Jana, A., Cortesi, A.: “Data leakage analysis of the hibernate query language on a propositional formulae domain”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Barbon, G., Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P., Steffinlongo, E.: “DAPA: Degradation-aware privacy analysis of Android apps”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Sen, S., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Conclusions”, in SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology [DOI] [LINK]

Sen, S., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “Applications of Hyper-lattice in Real Life”, in SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology [DOI] [LINK]

Chakraborty, S., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “A uniform representation of multi-variant data in intensive-query databases”, in Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering [DOI] [LINK]


Jana, A., Halder, R., Cortesi, A.: “Verification of hibernate query language by abstract interpretation”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Costantini, G., Ferrara, P.: “The abstract domain of Trapezoid Step Functions”, in Computer Languages, Systems and Structures [DOI] [LINK]

Barbon, G., Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P., Pistoia, M., Tripp, O.: “Privacy analysis of Android apps: Implicit flows and quantitative analysis”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Jana, A., Halder, R., Chaki, N., Cortesi, A.: “Policy-based slicing of hibernate query language”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Abbadi, M., Di Giacomo, F., Cortesi, A., Spronck, P., Giulia, C., Maggiore, G., Rotterdam, H.: “High performance encapsulation in Casanova 2”, in 2015 7th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference, CEEC 2015 - Conference Proceedings [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P., Pistoia, M., Tripp, O.: “Datacentric semantics for verification of privacy policy compliance by mobile applications”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Abbadi, M., Di Giacomo, F., Cortesi, A., Spronck, P., Costantini, G., Maggiore, G.: “Casanova: A simple, high-performance language for game development”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Costantini, G., Ferrara, P., Cortesi, A.: “A suite of abstract domains for static analysis of string values”, in Software - Practice and Experience [DOI] [LINK]


Halder, R., Zanioli, M., Cortesi, A.: “Information leakage analysis of database query languages”, in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Chakraborty, M., Chaki, N., Cortesi, A.: “A new intrusion prevention system for protecting Smart Grids from ICMPv6 vulnerabilities”, in 2014 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2014 [DOI] [LINK]


Spanò, A., Bugliesi, M., Cortesi, A.: “Typing Legacy COBOL Code”, in Communications in Computer and Information Science [DOI] [LINK]

Costantini, G., Ferrara, P., Maggiore, G., Cortesi, A.: “The domain of parametric hypercubes for static analysis of computer games software”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Ferrara, P., Chaki, N.: “Static analysis techniques for robotics software verification”, in 2013 44th International Symposium on Robotics, ISR 2013 [DOI] [LINK]

Saeed, K., Chaki, R., Cortesi, A., Wierzchoń, S.T.: “Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics): Preface”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Halder, R., Cortesi, A.: “Abstract program slicing on dependence condition graphs”, in Science of Computer Programming [DOI] [LINK]

Halder, R., Cortesi, A.: “Abstract program slicing of database query languages”, in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Halder, R.: “Abstract interpretation of recursive queries”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Costantini, G., Ferrara, P.: “A survey on product operators in abstract interpretation”, in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS [DOI] [LINK]


Zanioli, M., Ferrara, P., Cortesi, A.: “SAILS: Static analysis of information leakage with sample”, in Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing [DOI] [LINK]

Candiello, A., Albarelli, A., Cortesi, A.: “Quality and impact monitoring for local eGovernment services”, in Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy [DOI] [LINK]

Costantini, G., Ferrara, P., Cortesi, A.: “Linear approximation of continuous systems with trapezoid step functions”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Halder, R., Cortesi, A.: “Abstract interpretation of database query languages”, in Computer Languages, Systems and Structures [DOI] [LINK]

Sen, S., Dutta, A., Cortesi, A., Chaki, N.: “A new scale for attribute dependency in large database systems”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Donne e Tecnologie Informatiche”, [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., Zanioli, M.: “Widening and narrowing operators for abstract interpretation”, in Computer Languages, Systems and Structures [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Logozzo, F.: “Verification of non-functional requirements by abstract interpretation”, in Handbook of Research on Service-Oriented Systems and Non-Functional Properties: Future Directions [DOI] [LINK]

Costantini, G., Ferrara, P., Cortesi, A.: “Static analysis of string values”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Halder, R., Cortesi, A.: “Observation-based fine grained access control for XML documents”, in Communications in Computer and Information Science [DOI] [LINK]

Candiello, A., Cortesi, A.: “KPIs from web agents for policies’ impact analysis and products’ brand assessment”, in Communications in Computer and Information Science [DOI] [LINK]

Candiello, A., Cortesi, A.: “KPI-supported PDCA model for innovation policy management in local government”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Zanioli, M., Cortesi, A.: “Information leakage analysis by abstract interpretation”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Halder, R., Cortesi, A.: “Fine grained access control for relational databases by abstract interpretation”, in Communications in Computer and Information Science [DOI] [LINK]

Maggiore, G., Torsello, A., Sartoretto, F., Cortesi, A.: “Engaging high school students in computer science via challenging applications”, in SIGITE11 - Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education Conference [DOI] [LINK]

Halder, R., Cortesi, A.: “Cooperative query answering by abstract interpretation”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]


Halder, R., Cortesi, A.: “Obfuscation-based analysis of SQL injection attacks”, in Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications [DOI] [LINK]

Brus, M., Cortesi, A.: “Non-repudiation analysis using LySa with annotations”, in Computer Languages, Systems and Structures [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Halder, R.: “Dependence condition graph for semantics-based abstract program slicing”, in Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools and Applications, LDTA 2010 [DOI] [LINK]

Halder, R., Cortesi, A.: “A persistent public watermarking of relational databases”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Missing authors: “Zero-knowledge SoftwareWatermarking for C Programs”, [DOI] [LINK]


Sen, S., Chaki, N., Cortesi, A.: “Optimal space and time complexity analysis on the lattice of cuboids using galois connections for data warehousing”, in ICCIT 2009 - 4th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology [DOI] [LINK]

Brusò, M., Cortesi, A.: “Non-repudiation analysis with LYSA”, in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology [DOI] [LINK]

Bhattacharya, S., Cortesi, A.: “A generic distortion free watermarking technique for relational databases”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A.: “Widening operators for abstract interpretation”, in Proceedings - 6th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, SEFM 2008 [DOI] [LINK]

Braghin, C., Cortesi, A., Focardi, R.: “Information flow security in Boundary Ambients”, in Information and Computation [DOI] [LINK]


Backes, M., Maffei, M., Cortesi, A.: “Causality-based abstraction of multiplicity in security protocols”, in Proceedings - IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium [DOI] [LINK]

Backes, M., Cortesi, A., Focardi, R., Maffei, M.: “A calculus of challenges and responses”, in FMSE07 - Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering [DOI] [LINK]


Braghin, C., Cortesi, A.: “Flow-sensitive leakage analysis in mobile ambients”, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Logozzo, F.: “Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science: Preface”, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]

Logozzo, F., Cortesi, A.: “Abstract interpretation and object-oriented programming: Quo vadis?”, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]


Zuck, L., Attie, P., Cortesi, A.: “Preface by the section editors”, in International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer [DOI] [LINK]

Braghin, C., Cortesi, A., Focardi, R., Luccio, F.L., Piazza, C.: “Nesting analysis of mobile ambients”, in Computer Languages, Systems and Structures [DOI] [LINK]

Braghin, C., Cortesi, A., Focardi, R., Luccio, F.L., Piazza, C.: “Behind BANANA: Design and implementation of a tool for nesting analysis of Mobile Ambients”, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., Filé, G.: “Static analysis”, in Science of Computer Programming [DOI] [LINK]

Braghin, C., Cortesi, A., Focardi, R.: “Information leakage detection in boundary ambients”, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]


Braghin, C., Cortesi, A., Focardi, R.: “Security boundaries in mobile ambients”, in Computer Languages [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Dovier, A., Quintarelli, E., Tanca, L.: “Operational and abstract semantics of the query language G-Log”, in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Focardi, R.: “Computer languages and security”, in Computer Languages [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., Le Charlier, B., Rossi, S.: “Reexecution-based analysis of logic programs with delay declarations”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Rossi, S., Le Charleir, B.: “Operational semantics for reexecution-based analysis of logic programs with delay declarations”, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Focardi, R.: “Information flow security in Mobile Ambients”, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]

Pollet, I., Le Charlier, B., Cortesi, A.: “Distinctness and sharing domains for static analysis of Java programs”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., Charlier, B.L., Hentenryck, P.V.: “Combinations of abstract domains for logic programming: Open product and generic pattern construction”, in Science of Computer Programming [DOI] [LINK]

Ramachandran, V., Van Hentenryck, P., Cortesi, A.: “Abstract domains for reordering CLP (RLin) programs”, in Journal of Logic Programming [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., Filé, G.: “Sharing is optimal”, in Journal of Logic Programming [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Filé, G.: “Preface”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Le Charlier, B., Leclère, C., Rossi, S., Cortesi, A.: “Automated verification of Prolog programs”, in Journal of Logic Programming [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., Filé, G., Winsborough, W.: “The quotient of an abstract interpretation”, in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., le Charlier, B., Rossi, S.: “Specification-based automatic verification of prolog programs”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]

Cortesi, A., Filé, G., Giacobazzi, R., Palamidessi, C., Ranzato, F.: “Complementation in Abstract Interpretation”, in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems [DOI] [LINK]

Charlier, B.L., Leclère, C., Rossi, S., Cortesi, A.: “Automated verification of behavioural properties of prolog programs”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., File’, G., Winsborough, W.: “Optimal groundness analysis using propositional logic”, in Journal of Logic Programming [DOI] [LINK]


Van Hentenryck, P., Cortesi, A., Le Charlier, B.: “Type analysis of prolog using type graphs”, in The Journal of Logic Programming [DOI] [LINK]

Van Hentenryck, P., Cortesi, A., Le Charlier, B.: “Evaluation of the domain prop”, in The Journal of Logic Programming [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., Filé, G.: “Graph properties for normal logic programs”, in Theoretical Computer Science [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., Filè, G., Winsborough, W.: “Comparison of abstract interpretations”, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [DOI] [LINK]


Cortesi, A., Filé, G.: “Abstract interpretation of logic programs: An abstract domain for groundness, sharing, freeness and compoundness analysis”, in ACM SIGPLAN Notices [DOI] [LINK]


Bressan, A., Cortesi, A.: “Directionally continuous selections in Banach spaces”, in Nonlinear Analysis [DOI] [LINK]